#34 - Validation of Nutrition Screening Tool (SCAN) againts Nutrition Assessment for Breast Cancer Patients with Radiotherapy at Sardjito Hospital in Indonesia susetyowati

Background: Breast cancer is the fifth leading cause of death due to all the type of cancer and the second leading cause of death in developing country after lung cancer. The desease and its therapy influence eating disorder which effect to malnutrition. Nutrition screening and assessment for breast cancer patient is important to prevent decrease of nutritional status, physical performance and quality of life. 
Aim: To validate SCAN against PG-SGA for breast cancer patients with radiotherapy.
Settings and design: This was a cross sectional study. Data were collected in August-December 2016 at Sardjito Hospital In Indonesia.
Methods and material: The total respondents were 85 patients, who were selected using a purposive sampling method. Nutrition screening were measured using SCAN and the assessment were measured using body mass index (BMI), middle upper arm circumference (MUAC), body fat percentage, hand-grip strength, hemoglobin serum and PG-SGA. 
Result: Nutrition assessment using PG-SGA showed that the total of well-nourished patient were 58.8%, moderate malnourished were 31.8% and severe malnourished were 9.4%. Sensitivity and specificity of SCAN compared to PG-SGA were 91.4% and 78%. The NPV and PPV of SCAN were 92.8% and 74.4% with 0.7 kappa coefficient and 0.915 AUC value. Patients at risk of malnutrition based on SCAN showed 37.8 times greater to be malnutrition indicated by PG-SGA. Patients at risk of malnutrition compared to those who are not, had a lower average of MU AC, body fat percentage and hand-grip strength.
Conclusion: SCAN had a good validity as nutrition screening tool for breast cancer patients with radiotherapy.
Keywords: breast cancer, nutritional status, PG-SGA, radiotherapy