This case is important as nutritional management plays crucial role in poor oral intake problem as adequate energy and protein were needed for recovery process. Patient’s name is Mr S, aged 33 years old and a prisoner man. He is a chronic smoker for 1 pack. He has Diabetes Mellitus for 4 years but not complied on medication and admitted to hospital due to abdominal pain, vomit, diarrhoea for 5 days. He is at normal BMI with 60kg and 1.68m. For biochemical data, he has decrease in trending of Haemoglobin because of blood loss through surgery. Then, he has high value of Urea and Creatinine because of dehydration and shows improving trend to normal value. Potassium shows worsening trend from normal to lower value due to diarrhoea or at risk of refeeding. His glycaemic is under control. He is at Day 3 Post Exploratory Laparotomy, Segmented, bowel resection end to end and bowel anastomosis appendectomy. For nutrition diagnosis, he has inadequate oral intake (NI-2.1) related to physiological causes increasing nutrient needs (post-operation condition) as evidenced by 24 hour diet recall, energy intake is 71kcal as compared to the requirement, 1797kcal which is 4% attained requirement and protein intake is 0g which is 0% attained requirement. For short term goal is to attain at least half from energy and protein requirement and promote wound healing. For long term goal is to prevent malnutrition. Energy is given 1797-2096.5kcal/day @ 30-35kcal/kg and protein given is 72-90g @ 1.2-1.5g/kg/day. According to MNT Nutrition Support in Critical Ill Adult (2005), post-operative patients are at risk of refeeding syndrome and has no or little nutritional intake for 5 days, thus based on NICE guidelines (2014), moderate risk is given at 20kcal/kg. For discharge plan, he requests to given soft diet and high protein diet or suggest to buy oral nutrition supplements which is diabetic formula in order to optimise his intake if he does not get his special diet. Proper assessment should include all aspects for the right and precise intervention, so that it will give good impact.